Thursday 20 May 2010

England Epistle
Reaching the world God has brought to us!May 2010
Bill & Beckie s
We live in England - a country with centuries of amazing history. We also live in a modern England which is now multicultural.

You can look at this in two ways. One is that Great Britain is becoming less British. This is certainly true. People from countries comprising the former British Empire have come to Britain. This seems to threaten the culture as many have known it. On the other hand, most who have come to Britain are working hard and supporting their families and the new society. However you view it, they are people the Lord loves and is seeking to draw to Himself.

Due to the sensitive nature of some of this material, please do not publish this on any websites as we have recently encountered a problem with this. Together In His Grip! Bill & Beckie

Grace Church Shirley & Grace Community Church (Frankley)
We shared Easter together and it was a real joy. There is always special excitement when we come together to worship, but Easter made it a very special occasion.

Grace Church Shirley:We had another great Quiz Night and the community were invited. We had over 60 in attendance on the night. Andy & Cathy Pollard did another great job as our quiz masters.Please continue to pray that though all of our outreach activities we might attract some to come hear more about Jesus. Pray also for Malcolm & Tina as they have been through some tough times lately particularly with the loss of Tina's mom. Recently a couple and a single lady have decided to leave Grace Church, Shirley. This has been difficult for everyone in the church family.

Grace Community Church Frankley:The Church services are now being held in a new location. It is great to meet in a local school. Everyone is excited about the potential. Please Pray for Archie Grayin his search for a teaching job.

Tim & Meagan
Internship with Tim Hartman
Tim Hartman and Bill had a great three months of ministry among people from many nations. We had opportunities to meet people from Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Eritrea, Pakistan and Afghanistan. We are working in conjunction with an infant Iranian Church and an Arabic speaking Church as well as a Baptist Church in a very ethnically diverse community. Tim certainly had a great chance to put his cultural studies to work.

Not only did we teach English in our 'Speaking Allowed' clubs, but we also had what we named 'Meet me at the Bull' in the Bull Ring Market on Saturdays. These were less formal lessons at the market often going out for coffee or a meal after. Personal sharing was at the center of these times together.

Tim was also able to work with the Schwans in an area wide evangelistic Alpha Course which proved a great outreach. He even spent some time in London with the Barlows getting a good idea about what church planting is like in the big city.

Tim was joined by his wife Meaghan for the last 3 weeks of his time with us. They were planning to visit Dublin, Ireland, but that was cancelled due to the volcanic ash cloud that stopped all flights. They were, though, able to fly home on time which was an answer to prayer.

Thanks for praying with us for good ministry during these months! Please pray as Tim & Meaghan look for the Lord's direction to minister in the States. Tim will graduate with a Master's degree in Cultural Studies from Liberty University this month.

Picnic at a park:
About 15 days after the Iranian New Year (in April) Iranians generally go to the mountains and have a picnic. So Tim, Meaghan, Beckie and Bill went to a park outside Coventry to share in the festivities with our friends at the Iranian Church. We had amazingly good weather and were certainly not the only ones at the park. Other groups gathered all day and by mid-afternoon we noticed that as far as we could see we were the only westerners. There were picnics, barbecues, games and fun for young and old. We felt privileged to be part of it all.

Please continue to pray with us for the Iranian Church and Arabic speaking Church we are working with. Bill also had a chance to preach at the Iranian church. The key to these two churches is Najib, from Tunisia, who pastors both these infant churches. He is a great partner in ministry as we seek to reach our world in Birmingham.

Joys of Spring:
Beckie, Bill, Laura, Lynn and Dave had a great break for a week in the southwest of England. The county of Devon has beautiful countryside and rugged sea coast. Winston never tired of chasing sticks into the sea.

Leslie could not be with us as she was studying for her final exams at University College London. She is now in the midst of those exams. Thanks for your prayers for her as she looks to life after university. A big thank you to all of you who continue to pray for our family.

Speaking Allowed bbq
Speaking Allowed: Update
Edgbaston: (working with Najib and the Iranian Church and an Arabic Speaking Church) - This past week we had a new person join us. He is here to do a degree in Industrial Engineering at Warwick University. He needs to pass a test in English first. He and his wife are here (with their 5 children) on a full scholarship awarded by his country. It looks like they will be here for 2 years. Please continue to pray for our contact with M.

Stechford; (working with George King and Stechford Baptist Church) - It is getting close to summer and we will be looking to make some of our contacts with this club more personal. George has begun teaching one of the guys how to play the guitar. We got a great question at one of our clubs. 'Why do they call it 'Good Friday?' We had a good time sharing the gospel, speaking about Christ's death for us and also the resurrection that made it good news!

Handsworth: (working with John Mall and Handsworth Baptist Church) - This new club will be starting with a few from northern India helping this church to reach out among that community. John is from northern India and we will join forces to share Christ's love. John attended a theology school started by William Carey - talk about full circle!

Adult Education in Northfield: (working with Jag in an ESOL course) - This past week I was working with a man who is from Sri Lanka. He works two part-time jobs to support the family. He and his wife attend the class. The course will finish for the summer in a few weeks time. Please pray that we will be able to see some of the students over the summer.

Tuesday 4 May 2010

Is Britain Finished?

A praying friend sent me an article that asked the question, ‘Is Britain Finished? The author certainly has a point in that the Church continues to decline and its message is muddied by many in what is called ‘the Church’.

It is true that Islam has been targeting the United Kingdom for a long time. The population of Islamic people here has been steadily growing for the last 30 years. The Church, on the other hand, has been dying for 50 years. The article is right.

In the midst of this decline, though, comes a reawakening of new parts of the Church. While the dross of the dead institution is washed away more and more, the evangelical living church is getting stronger. Many small house churches have begun and some of them have grown to be leaders in the Christian community. There are strong brothers and sisters here having gone through the pain of loss. Perhaps we have something to share with our brothers and sisters in the United States.

Years ago as the British Empire expanded across the world the gospel went with it. The great missionary force brought the church to India, China, Africa, Australia and many corners of the world. While it makes sad reading that the empire crumbled and the powerful British force of missions also crumbled it left its mark all around the world.

Now the world comes to the United Kingdom. We here in Birmingham are in the most ethnically diverse city in the country. The challenge is to bring the gospel to the world at our door. Now that we have transitioned out of the leadership of our first church plant and our team-mates have established a second the other side of town we are looking to see what the Lord has for us next.

The question we should be asking is, how do we reach the many people groups that need the gospel right here on our door step? The Lord loves those who we see as a threat to our culture and society. How can we reach the world starting here at home in the United Kingdom?

As Beckie and I have been stepping back from the leadership of Grace Church in Shirley we have been asking the Lord to show us our next steps. (We will continue to be a part of this wonderful church, and we want to see it flourish reaching the world around it.)

Here is what we see on the horizon. We have been reaching out for the last 20 years through a group of Speakers Clubs. I was a member at one then started another. It is still a great outreach point for Malcolm and me. This past experience has prepared me to take the next step. We really want to share the gospel widely and see what the Lord does in establishing new points of light (infant churches). Our question has been, how can we meet the most people in a natural way in order to share the gospel in a meaningful way?

We are making plans to start English as a second language clubs. I will be taking a course in teaching English as a second language when I get back from ‘home ministries’. The teachers of this course and wider in the language school, ‘The Brass House’, can put us in contact with many in our city who wish to work on their English. We already have plans to start a club with some Iranian friends. Many have basic vocabulary and are able to get what the want, but struggle with fluency. We would take up where the introductory courses leave off. We would love to see many such groups started in the Birmingham area. We would hope to use Church buildings in which to meet and involve some of the church people in reaching out with the gospel with us. We have learned that it takes relationship building to bring opportunities to share the gospel in a meaningful way.

Britian is not finished. While there is still a lot of bad news coming from this place, the Lord has not quit! With your help, together will share the gospel to the world come to us in Birmingham.

The Christian Institute:

Latest UK Church Survey:

Who are Birmingham’s contemporary refugees?

Friday 15 January 2010

Bill & Beckie s


England Epistle

Till He Returns may He find us Faithful!

January 2010


-- What will our response be to the nations coming here?

-- What about W my Egyptian friend?

-- What does the Lord want for them?

-- Please Pray with us for Tim Hartman's ministry

-- A Special Thanks!

Dear Friends,

We are excited to find what the Lord has in store for our lives this year. Generally that means walking with the Lord in His mission to reach His world.

In the last year we have been privileged to meet many first generation immigrants from over 7 different countries. We are learning to share God's love primarily by helping them with their English. We are helping with both and Iranian and Arabic Speaking Church as well as a Baptist Church in an Ethnically diverse community. It has been a joy to share Christ with the world come to Birmingham England.

What will our response be to the nations coming here?

ESOL NorthfieldI just read a speech given by a Dutch politician who is not allowed in England. It was given to a group in America. He is a known ultra right wing racist. I do not disagree with some of his facts, Islam is growing fast the Church is still on the decline, but it is what you do with those facts. His response is not to love those people to the Lord. What Satan is doing in our world the Lord can use to stir His people to action, positive action that can bring some in our broken world to Himself.

I met with Mohammed last night. He is has been here for a year after arriving from Pakistan. He needs the Lord. George and I are sharing the love of Christ with him by helping him with his English. He has no motive to change England. He is working at a paper bag factory just trying to make ends meet. His factory has been shut this week, due to snow, which means that he has lost his pay for the week as well. He also is trying to learn English. I know the Lord loves Mohammed and his young family.

What about W my Egyptian friend


Tonight I will meet with W an Egyptian. He drives a fork lift truck. He is sending money home to build a house for his family. He is a good Muslim who needs the Lord. This is either a great threat or a great opportunity. Perhaps some people like W will come to Christ. Najib and I will continue to share Christ with W.

Some of the 'Churches' will die, they are in areas of the city that now are very ethnically mixed but the ones on mission will take the challenge to bring Christ to the world all around us. We will continue to need to see new Churches planted. Please pray that many on mission churches will join with us as well.

What does the Lord want for them?


Most 1st generation immigrants are working jobs that no one else wants, not because they are not bright, but because their English is not good enough. Many of them have not had much education and they can't even read their own language. They are not trying to conquer Britain, but to survive and give their children a better life.

I believe that what Satan means for evil God can use for good. We want to encourage God's people to reach out to the world all around us. It would only take 2 people and a room to meet for 2 hours a week to begin to meet the needs of many who need to learn English. In the process we will be given the privilege to speak and demonstrate God's love.

Please Pray with us for Tim Hartman's ministry


Please pray that Tim Hartman who will be with us here for the next 3 months. Please pray that the Lord use him in reaching out to many. I am praying that the Lord will bless Tim and those he meets while he is here. Tim is finishing up his training at Liberty Seminary and is looking forward to what the Lord has for him and Meagan. Meagan will join us as well for his last three weeks he is here.

A Special Thanks!


I want to thank you for your faithfulness in prayer for our ministry. We greatly miss our 'Yoke Fellow' Jim Knepper who is now with the Lord. He faithfully prayed for us everyday for over 23 years. We are praying for Edna and the rest of the family. We want all of you to know how much we value your prayer. We can do a lot of work, but only the Lord can change a heart.

The Lord wants to answer your prayer as He draws people to Himself. Our work only becomes valuable when the Lord is in it. Please continue to pray! Thanks from the bottom of our hearts!

Together In His Grip! Bill & Beckie

Monday 24 August 2009

Hi Everyone,

Birmingham has the highest unemployment rate in the country. 10.6% are out of work. This means that 285,000 people are unemployed and many of these are looking for work. (To give you some frame of reference - the firm where Beckie works recently advertised for a receptionist and had over 300 applicants.) A lot of people are hurting and unable to pay their mortgages and other debts. Bill stopped by the Job Centre yesterday, not to sign on to the unemployment list, but to let them know that the Yardley Speakers Club is ready to help. Those seeking jobs are hoping to be invited to a job interview. They are often frightened by the prospect of having to speak up for themselves in that stressful situation. Often they are on a short list of 6 to 10 others. Representing the Speakers Club, Bill offered to give free help to those who need to practice standing before others and speaking. The Club is now in its 10th season and well positioned to help. Please pray that the Lord would bring many newcomers as the season begins in September.

We’ve heard parts of the US have had an unseasonably cool summer. We had a few hot days the end of June but apart from that it’s been pretty cool and rainy. However, yesterday was absolutely beautiful – about 75 degrees and lovely sunshine. This was the date we’d chosen for a summer barbeque for the Speakers Club! Bill is quite adept at grilling in the rain with an umbrella, but that wasn’t necessary. We had a lovely evening and pray that God will draw some of these dear friends to himself in the coming year.

Many of those who are coming to the ‘Speaking Allowed’ club in Ladywood are also seeking work. Their English is not good enough to give prospective employers confidence to employ them over someone who has better English. Please pray with us that this valuable help will display the love of Christ and that the Lord will use these difficult times to draw many to himself.

Adult education courses are likely to be swamped this year. As the new term gets started in September Bill will be helping out again in Northfield. This will put him in regular contact with both new pupils and those coming back from last term.

John Piper’s definition of wisdom has helped to focus our attention on what we can do to reach the lost in the Birmingham area.

'Wisdom is the ability of the soul to perceive God-glorifying, Christ-exalting, gospel-fashioned, people helping ways to live, with the knowledge God gives us.' (Colossians 3:16; James 3:13-18)

May the Lord give you and us wisdom and strength to do what we can, to use all that we are and all that we have to share the good news of Christ and his sacrificial love for us during these uncertain days.

Recently at Film Club Brenda said we were good advertisements for religion. Thanks for praying that the ensuing conversation with Brenda about our relationship with Christ as opposed to religion will have a lasting impact in her life.

Beckie has been looking for a new secretarial position for some time and thankfully the Lord has provided one. She’ll be working for the local Council at a training centre for education consultants. She finishes her current job on the 2nd of September. We are looking forward to a visit from Beckie’s twin sister and her husband for a week and then Beckie starts the new job on 14th September. Thank you for your prayers for her continuing testimony to those she’s leaving behind and those people she’ll be working with soon.

The challenging economic climate (Laura has tried to explain quantitative easing but with limited success as far as her mother is concerned) causes us to once again be humbled by your giving to allow us to minister through you here. May God continue to supply your needs.

Wednesday 20 May 2009

Latest England Epistle

England Epistle: April 2009


Grace Church:


            Things done over Easter:


·       Good Friday Witness Walk

·       Saturday Children’s outreach combined with Shirley Churches Together

·       Quiz Night: lead by Andy & Cathy Pollard, over 80 in attendance we shared the Quiz and Fish & Chips.

·       Sunday we enjoyed rejoicing in the Lord’s resurrection along with you

·       Tom & Joyce Baker’s 60th wedding anniversary: They are still serving the Lord and the rest of us at Grace Church coffee & Tea each Sunday


            Things coming up to pray for:

·       Gareth Davies will lead a Children’s event at the Layca Centre called ‘Explosion.’  Please pray that the Lord will begin a good on going work among children from the area around Lighthall School where Grace Church meets.

·       Elders training days with Tom Barlow 15th – 17th May:  This could be a great weekend with the leaders of our two churches in Birmingham.

·       Visit with Paul Klawitter & Fenton (GBIM board member) and Judy

Mc Donald 29th – 31st May:  We are looking forward to the encouragement that they will surely bring.





Speaking Allowed: Ladywood:  We have had a good start!  Currently we have 4 from Iran, one from Tunisia, one from Iraq and one from Afghanistan along with one crazy American.  Please pray for us in our first full month together.  We are getting to know one another quite quickly



Adult Education: Northfield:  This Class that Bill helps with has just learned that the have Exams to take the first week in July.  Please pray that we teachers will be able to help them all to pass.  This is a major obstacle for some!