Friday 15 January 2010

Bill & Beckie s


England Epistle

Till He Returns may He find us Faithful!

January 2010


-- What will our response be to the nations coming here?

-- What about W my Egyptian friend?

-- What does the Lord want for them?

-- Please Pray with us for Tim Hartman's ministry

-- A Special Thanks!

Dear Friends,

We are excited to find what the Lord has in store for our lives this year. Generally that means walking with the Lord in His mission to reach His world.

In the last year we have been privileged to meet many first generation immigrants from over 7 different countries. We are learning to share God's love primarily by helping them with their English. We are helping with both and Iranian and Arabic Speaking Church as well as a Baptist Church in an Ethnically diverse community. It has been a joy to share Christ with the world come to Birmingham England.

What will our response be to the nations coming here?

ESOL NorthfieldI just read a speech given by a Dutch politician who is not allowed in England. It was given to a group in America. He is a known ultra right wing racist. I do not disagree with some of his facts, Islam is growing fast the Church is still on the decline, but it is what you do with those facts. His response is not to love those people to the Lord. What Satan is doing in our world the Lord can use to stir His people to action, positive action that can bring some in our broken world to Himself.

I met with Mohammed last night. He is has been here for a year after arriving from Pakistan. He needs the Lord. George and I are sharing the love of Christ with him by helping him with his English. He has no motive to change England. He is working at a paper bag factory just trying to make ends meet. His factory has been shut this week, due to snow, which means that he has lost his pay for the week as well. He also is trying to learn English. I know the Lord loves Mohammed and his young family.

What about W my Egyptian friend


Tonight I will meet with W an Egyptian. He drives a fork lift truck. He is sending money home to build a house for his family. He is a good Muslim who needs the Lord. This is either a great threat or a great opportunity. Perhaps some people like W will come to Christ. Najib and I will continue to share Christ with W.

Some of the 'Churches' will die, they are in areas of the city that now are very ethnically mixed but the ones on mission will take the challenge to bring Christ to the world all around us. We will continue to need to see new Churches planted. Please pray that many on mission churches will join with us as well.

What does the Lord want for them?


Most 1st generation immigrants are working jobs that no one else wants, not because they are not bright, but because their English is not good enough. Many of them have not had much education and they can't even read their own language. They are not trying to conquer Britain, but to survive and give their children a better life.

I believe that what Satan means for evil God can use for good. We want to encourage God's people to reach out to the world all around us. It would only take 2 people and a room to meet for 2 hours a week to begin to meet the needs of many who need to learn English. In the process we will be given the privilege to speak and demonstrate God's love.

Please Pray with us for Tim Hartman's ministry


Please pray that Tim Hartman who will be with us here for the next 3 months. Please pray that the Lord use him in reaching out to many. I am praying that the Lord will bless Tim and those he meets while he is here. Tim is finishing up his training at Liberty Seminary and is looking forward to what the Lord has for him and Meagan. Meagan will join us as well for his last three weeks he is here.

A Special Thanks!


I want to thank you for your faithfulness in prayer for our ministry. We greatly miss our 'Yoke Fellow' Jim Knepper who is now with the Lord. He faithfully prayed for us everyday for over 23 years. We are praying for Edna and the rest of the family. We want all of you to know how much we value your prayer. We can do a lot of work, but only the Lord can change a heart.

The Lord wants to answer your prayer as He draws people to Himself. Our work only becomes valuable when the Lord is in it. Please continue to pray! Thanks from the bottom of our hearts!

Together In His Grip! Bill & Beckie

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